
Wednesday, December 12, 2018

'Motivators of Fraud in Health Care Essay\r'

'What ar the motivators of Health Cargon duplicity? At first thought, I suspect it was for the screw of money but indeed I matte like it has to be more to it than that. Why would populate risk it all to rook insurance companies and sluice the government? After a while, it’s distinctly non ab reveal the money because the longer a company goes without cosmos caught, they won’t be hurting for financial wealth so wherefore continue? How do you know when you are being charged for test and check that you don’t need? During this essay, I will answer these questions as well as describe what acts as motivators for these wellness Care actors. According to the text, the health business manu pointure is the (single largest single industry) in the United States economy.\r\nThe structure of nowadays’s health system, it leaves huge opportunities for dodge to institute place. Back in the early 1980’s; pay offs would post medical care to tolera nts and then later send a claim with the issuance company of the diligent or send a bill in the mail for the long-suffering. Prior to a atomic number 101 submitting his or her bill, it would be reviewed by a medical programmer who was able to determine the legitimacy of treatment that was required. With the movement of modern technology, doctors file their claims but now they are reviewed by computers which open the door for more opportunities to defraud the insurance companies. In these situation, I feel the fraud in this case is motivated by the fact that those insurance companies don’t find it in truth important to review claims and at that placefore are hardly getting always with what insurers are allow to.\r\nThose committing health care fraud include organized criminal groups, individuals, and health care providers. The individuals committing health care fraud see the abuse as low risk and high take since many perpetrators are never caught. If they are caught the penalties are relatively less severe than other crimes. For example, in a 2010 study on the effectiveness of healthcare fraud taskforces, the average convicted offender received threesome to five years, but the total amount of dishonorable boots in the 200 sampled cases exceeded a billion dollars. The about common form of fraud is false billing. in that location are a wide variety of billing schemes, but generally a person committing fraud will bill an insurer for a receipts that was never performed. For example, many perpetrators will obtain patient breeding from hospitals or other sources and use that information to charge both public and private health programs for false reimbursement claims.\r\nHow can you tell when you are at risk of being charged for treatment non received or not needed? depicting this scenario, a lady goes into a minimum care facility and tells the receptionist that she has a pain in her hand, the receptionist tells her that she require an X-ray s. The patient responds by wanting to see the doctor first. The receptionist tells that patient that it is protocol that they get X-rays before the doctor will see her. The lady gets the X-ray and is then seen by the doctor who finds a cyst and the patient is treated and released. In that scenario, this medical facility hide unneeded charges by â€Å"protocol.” No one very knows the extent or motivators of fraud in healthcare, we perk up only estimates and the bases for them often seem a ghost bit flimsy. I feel that Healthcare frauds glide by for two reasons, greed for financial superiority and there is no dawdle time in near cases.\r\nFirst of all, Healthcare is rarely paid for out of pocket and the consumers of the healthcare services have midget incentive to check their bills. Unless the actual payer of the bills experience with the receiver of the service or treatment, the crimes of overcharging, will go unnoticed. The insurance companies, private and public thi rd-party payment programs, were not in the room when the services were provided and do not know whether they were needed or actually supplied. Finally, when a doctor makes 10 million dollars because of overcharging, charging for services not required or not given and he is only fined 5 or 6 million dollar and there’s no jail time. He still came out on kick the bucket and continues to practice medicine because he rationalizes it by blaming it on the patients, bookkeepers and even the government.\r\nReferences\r\nBenson, M. L. & Simpson, S. S. (2010). White-Collar Crime: An chance Perspective, research, 9-12. https://www.nampi.org/members/2010presentations/KeynoteAddress.pdf http://mjpetro.typepad.com/7th_circuit_alert/2011/07/42-usc-1320a-7b-medicare-fraud-primary-motivation-doctrine-rejected.html\r\n'

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